BitX Buy and Sell

Shows latest buy and sell values (in ZAR) for Bitcoins on the BitX exchange.

Image preview of BitX Buy and Sell plugin.

Open on GitHub
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# <xbar.title>BitX Buy and Sell</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.1</xbar.version>
# <>Konrad Blum</>
# <>kblum</>
# <xbar.desc>Shows latest buy and sell values (in ZAR) for Bitcoins on the BitX exchange.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>python</xbar.dependencies>

import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
import json
from datetime import datetime

def run():
    base_api_url = ''

    currency_pair = 'XBTZAR'
    url = '{0}/api/1/ticker?pair={1}'.format(base_api_url, currency_pair)
    response = urllib.request.urlopen(url).read()
    data = json.loads(response)

    timestamp = datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data['timestamp'])/1000.0)

    # lines below will cycle through in menu bar
    print(('Buy: R{0:,}'.format(float(data['ask']))))
    print(('Sell: R{0:,}'.format(float(data['bid']))))


    # lines below will only appear when opening menu
    print('BitX Market Data - XBT/ZAR')
    print(('Updated: {0:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}'.format(timestamp)))

if __name__ == '__main__':