CO2Signal API

This plugin displays the current carbon (gC02equivalent) emmissions per kWh of produced electric energy in the requested country/region

Recent Big Earthquake

Displays the most significant earthquakes in the last 30 days from http://earthquake.usgs.gov

SolarEdge Monitoring

Displays SolarEdge inverter power and energy generation data from your solar energy system. Also calculates system efficiency for the current day and total CO2 offset.

Fancy having your plugin featured? Get in touch.

Anaconda Environments

Useful BitBar plugin to list all created conda environments and to open a new session with a chosen environment.

CO2Signal API

This plugin displays the current carbon (gC02equivalent) emmissions per kWh of produced electric energy in the requested country/region

COVID-19 Stats

Displays stats of US COVID-19 cases, with a submenu for user-defineable States. Can also be configured to show the top n states.

COVID-19 Today

Displays changes in daily and average COVID-19 cases for a given country.

Corona info

Shows corona virus data from https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6 and alerts you when the corona virus comes to your country.

Recent Big Earthquake

Displays the most significant earthquakes in the last 30 days from http://earthquake.usgs.gov

SolarEdge Monitoring

Displays SolarEdge inverter power and energy generation data from your solar energy system. Also calculates system efficiency for the current day and total CO2 offset.