Dash tickers: Coincap.io and Binance.com

Shows the latest Dash info from Coincap.io and Binance.com

Image preview of Dash tickers: Coincap.io and Binance.com plugin.


Open on GitHub

# <xbar.title>Dash tickers: Coincap.io and Binance.com</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.1</xbar.version>
# <xbar.author>UdjinM6</xbar.author>
# <xbar.author.github>UdjinM6</xbar.author.github>
# <xbar.desc>Shows the latest Dash info from Coincap.io and Binance.com</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image>https://i.imgur.com/k4y72tW.png</xbar.image>
# <xbar.abouturl>https://www.dash.org/</xbar.abouturl>

# To generate the image, grab PNG and increase the DPI from 72 to 144,
# then resize it to 32x32 and finally encode the image into base 64
# for example via https://base64.guru/converter/encode/image/png

# Grab all info beforehand
token_info_binance=$(curl -s https://api.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/24hr?symbol=DASHBTC | tr -d '{}"' | tr ':,' '\n')
token_info_coincap=$(curl -s https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets/dash/ | tr -d '{}" ' | tr ':,' '\n')
btc_info_coincap=$(curl -s https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets/bitcoin/ | tr -d '{}" ' | tr ':,' '\n')

# Menu bar
token_price_btc=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 lastPrice | tail -1)
token_price_usd=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 priceUsd | tail -1)
if (( $(echo "$token_price_usd >= 100" | bc -l) )); then token_price_usd_precision="$((token_price_btc_precision-3))"; else token_price_usd_precision="$((token_price_btc_precision-2))"; fi
printf "%.*f | dropdown=false image=%s\n" "$token_price_btc_precision" "$token_price_btc" "$iconBase64"
printf "$%.*f | dropdown=false image=%s\n" "$token_price_usd_precision" "$token_price_usd" "$iconBase64"

btc_percent_change_24h=$(echo "$btc_info_coincap" | grep -A1 changePercent24Hr | tail -1)
if (( $(echo "$btc_percent_change_24h >= 0" | bc -l) )); then btc_color_coincap="green"; else btc_color_coincap="red"; fi
btc_usd_price=$(echo "$btc_info_coincap" | grep -A1 priceUsd | tail -1)
echo "---"
printf ":moneybag: BTC: $%.*f | color=$btc_color_coincap href=\"http://coincap.io/assets/bitcoin/\"\n" 2 "$btc_usd_price"

# Coincap.io
token_percent_change_24h=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 changePercent24Hr | tail -1)
if (( $(echo "$token_percent_change_24h >= 0" | bc -l) )); then token_color_coincap="green"; else token_color_coincap="red"; fi
token_rank=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 rank | tail -1)
token_available_supply=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 supply | tail -1)
token_available_supply_mln=$(echo "$token_available_supply / 1000000" | bc -l)
token_market_cap_usd=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 marketCapUsd | tail -1)
token_market_cap_usd_mln=$(echo "$token_market_cap_usd / 1000000" | bc -l)
token_volume_usd=$(echo "$token_info_coincap" | grep -A1 volumeUsd24Hr | tail -1)
token_volume_usd_m=$(echo "$token_volume_usd / 1000000" | bc -l)
echo "---"
echo ":chart_with_upwards_trend: Coincap.io: | href=\"http://coincap.io/assets/dash/\""
printf "%sRank: %.*f\n" "* " 0 "$token_rank"
printf "%sSupply: %.*fM DASH\n" "* " 2 "$token_available_supply_mln"
printf "%sMarket Cap: $%.*fM | color=$token_color_coincap\n" "* " 2 "$token_market_cap_usd_mln"
printf "%sPrice: $%.*f | color=$token_color_coincap\n" "* " 2 "$token_price_usd"
printf "%s24h Change: %.*f%% | color=$token_color_coincap\n" "* " 2 "$token_percent_change_24h"
printf "%s24h Volume: $%.*fM\n" "* " 2 "$token_volume_usd_m"

# Binance.com
token_percent_change=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 priceChangePercent | tail -1)
if (( $(echo "$token_percent_change >= 0" | bc -l) )); then token_color_binance="green"; else token_color_binance="red"; fi
token_lowest_ask=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 askPrice | tail -1)
token_highest_bid=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 bidPrice | tail -1)
token_base_volume=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 volume | tail -1)
token_base_volume_k=$(echo "$token_base_volume / 1000" | bc -l)
token_quote_volume=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 quoteVolume | tail -1)
token_high_24h=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 highPrice | tail -1)
token_low_24h=$(echo "$token_info_binance" | grep -A1 lowPrice | tail -1)
echo "---"
echo ":chart_with_upwards_trend: Binance.com: | href=\"https://www.binance.com/ru/trade/DASH_BTC\""
printf "%sPrice: %.*f BTC | color=$token_color_binance\n" "* " 6 "$token_price_btc"
printf "%sAsk: %.*f BTC\n" "* " 6 "$token_lowest_ask"
printf "%sBid: %.*f BTC\n" "* " 6 "$token_highest_bid"
printf "%s24h Change: %.*f%% | color=$token_color_binance\n" "* " 2 "$token_percent_change"
printf "%s24h Volume: %.*f BTC\n" "* " 2 "$token_quote_volume"
printf "%s24h Volume: %.*fK DASH\n" "* " 2 "$token_base_volume_k"
printf "%s24h High: %.*f BTC | color=green\n" "* " 6 "$token_high_24h"
printf "%s24h Low: %.*f BTC | color=red\n" "* " 6 "$token_low_24h"

# URLs
echo "---"
echo "Dash.org | href=\"https://www.dash.org\" image=$iconBase64"
echo "--Wallets | href=\"https://www.dash.org/downloads/\" image=$iconBase64"
echo "--Explorer | href=\"https://explorer.dash.org/\" image=$iconBase64"
echo "--Forum | href=\"https://www.dash.org/forum/\" image=$iconBase64"
echo "--Docs | href=\"https://docs.dash.org/\" image=$iconBase64"