Slushpool Profile, Account, Worker Plugin

TLDR; Displays Slushpool Profile/Worker information from its API Service. This is an Xbar/Bitbar macOS menu plugin which provided with a SLUSHPOOL API_KEY with at least ACCESS READ-ONLY will provide your hash rate statistic, mining proceeds unconfirmed, confirmed, expected proceeds and details about your workers including OK, OFF, and disconnectd.

Image preview of Slushpool Profile, Account, Worker Plugin plugin.


Open on GitHub
#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/node
"use 'esversion: 8'"; // travisci complaining about needing this even when the next line is provided
"use 'esversion: 9'";

# Slushpool Monitoring Xbar Plugin
# <xbar.title>Slushpool Profile, Account, Worker Plugin</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <>Mark Phillips</>
# <>pleasemarkdarkly</>
# <xbar.desc>TLDR; Displays Slushpool Profile/Worker information from its API Service. This is an Xbar/Bitbar macOS menu plugin which provided with a SLUSHPOOL API_KEY with at least ACCESS READ-ONLY will provide your hash rate statistic, mining proceeds unconfirmed, confirmed, expected proceeds and details about your workers including OK, OFF, and disconnectd.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>node</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.abouturl></xbar.abouturl>
# This is an Xbar/Bitbar macOS menu plugin which provided with a SLUSHPOOL API_KEY with at least ACCESS READ-ONLY will provide your hash rate statistic, mining proceeds unconfirmed, confirmed, expected proceeds and details about your workers including OK, OFF, and disconnectd. Additional information regarding your participation pool is provided but specifically not used in this plugin however it would be trival to do so. 
# Apparently using node.js as the scripting language for Xbar is somewhat touchy, so I went with the most vanilla inplementation and foregoing the npm package of bitbar. Additionally, I have left a working READ-ONLY key of a handful of workers as to provide a better experience of someone seeking to use this plugin before replacing or modifying information with their own. 
# This plugin is not supported. Please use at your own risk.

const https = require('https');
const child_process = require('child_process');
const { once } = require('events');


// due to the error prone nature of the above path, dependancies, etc, edit script directly vs. .env
const VAR_SLUSHPOOL_API_KEY = 'Zm1oK8hGaDExOBaE'; // create your own SLUSHPOOL API KEY
let slushpool_api_token = VAR_SLUSHPOOL_API_KEY;  // left over for when I had logic to pull from various locations 

let BTC_EXISTING_BALANCE = '.78711908'; // previously confirmed rewards or whatever you want, example BTC balance

const numberWithCommas = (x) => {
	return x.toString().replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");

const getBTCToUSD = async (amount) => {
	let result;
	options = {
		hostname: '',
		port: 443,
		path: '/' + amount.toString() + 'BTC',
		method: 'GET',

	req = await https.request(options, res => {
		res.on('data', d => {
			// console.log(d.toString());
			result = d.toString();
	req.on('error', error => { console.error(error); });
	await once(req, 'close')
	return result

const getSlushpoolProfile = async (apikey) => {
	let result;
	let pending_rewards;
	const headers = { 'User-Agent': 'request', 'SlushPool-Auth-Token': apikey };
	let options = {
		hostname: '',
		port: 443,
		path: '/accounts/profile/json/btc/',
		method: 'GET',
		headers: headers,

	let req = await https.get(options, res => {
		let json = '';
		res.on('data', function (chunk) {
			json += chunk;

		res.on('end', async () => {
			if (res.statusCode === 200) {
				try {
					let data = JSON.parse(json);
					result = data.btc;
				} catch (e) {
					console.log('Error parsing JSON!');
			} else {
				console.log('Status:', res.statusCode);
	}).on('error', function (err) {
		console.log('Error:', err);
	await once(req, 'close')
	return result

const getSlushpoolStats = async (apikey) => {
	let result;
	const headers = { 'User-Agent': 'request', 'SlushPool-Auth-Token': apikey };
	let options = {
		hostname: '',
		port: 443,
		path: '/accounts/workers/json/btc/',
		method: 'GET',
		headers: headers,

	let req = await https.get(options, res => {
		let json = '';
		res.on('data', function (chunk) {
			json += chunk;
		res.on('end', function () {
			if (res.statusCode === 200) {
				try {
					let data = JSON.parse(json);
					let worker_keys = Array.from(Object.keys(data.btc.workers));
					result = { worker_keys,, };
				} catch (e) {
					console.log('Error parsing JSON!');
			} else {
				console.log('Status:', res.statusCode);
	}).on('error', function (err) {
		console.log('Error:', err);
	await once(req, 'close')
	return result

	Compute ongoing mining balances/estimates, existing balances.
const collectSlushpoolInfo = async () => {
	try {
		const profile = await getSlushpoolProfile(slushpool_api_token);
		const stats = await getSlushpoolStats(slushpool_api_token);
		const { confirmed_reward, unconfirmed_reward, estimated_reward } = profile;
		let reward = {};
		reward.usd_confirmed_reward = await getBTCToUSD(parseFloat(confirmed_reward));
		reward.usd_unconfirmed_reward = await getBTCToUSD(parseFloat(unconfirmed_reward));
		reward.usd_estimated_reward = await getBTCToUSD(parseFloat(estimated_reward));
		// include any permuation of confirmed, unconfirmed, estimate, existing BTC or USD here
		return { profile, stats, reward, total_btc_in_usd: USD_EXISTING_BTC_BALANCE };
	} catch (error) {
		return error;

const debugSlushpoolOutputAndFormat = async (bitbar) => {
	const { profile, stats, total_btc, total_btc_in_usd } = bitbar;
	const { estimated_reward, hash_rate_unit, hash_rate_5m, hash_rate_60m, hash_rate_24h, ok_workers } = profile;
	console.log(`${total_btc} BTC, \$${parseFloat(total_btc_in_usd).toFixed(2)} `);
	console.log(`${parseFloat(hash_rate_5m).toFixed(2)} (5m) ${hash_rate_unit}, ${parseFloat(hash_rate_60m).toFixed(2)} (60m) ${hash_rate_unit}, ${parseFloat(hash_rate_24h).toFixed(2)} (24 / h) ${hash_rate_unit}, OK WORKERS: ${ok_workers} `);
	const { worker_keys, workers } = stats;
	worker_keys.forEach(k => {
		if (workers[k].state == 'OK') {

const SLUSHPOOL_URL = 'href=';
const REFRESH_FALSE = 'refresh=false';
const SEPARATOR = '---';

const printBitbar = async (bitbar) => {
	const { profile, stats, reward, total_btc_in_usd } = bitbar;
	const { confirmed_reward, unconfirmed_reward, estimated_reward, hash_rate_unit, hash_rate_5m, hash_rate_60m, hash_rate_24h, ok_workers } = profile;
	const { worker_keys, workers } = stats;

	// Show in the menu if a worker is off 
	worker_keys.forEach(k => {
		if (workers[k].state == 'off') {
			const worker_name = k.split('.')[1];
	console.log(`${SLUSHPOOL_MINING_ICON} ${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(hash_rate_5m).toFixed(2))} ${hash_rate_unit} (5m)`);
	console.log(`${SLUSHPOOL_MINING_ICON} ${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(hash_rate_60m).toFixed(2))} ${hash_rate_unit} (60m)`);
	console.log(`${SLUSHPOOL_MINING_ICON} ${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(hash_rate_24h).toFixed(2))} ${hash_rate_unit} (24h)`)
	console.log(`${confirmed_reward}/\$${parseFloat(reward.usd_confirmed_reward).toFixed(2)} (confirmed reward) | templateImage=${BITCOIN_ICON}`);
	console.log(`${unconfirmed_reward}/\$${parseFloat(reward.usd_unconfirmed_reward).toFixed(2)} (unconfirmed reward) | templateImage=${BITCOIN_ICON}`);
	console.log(`${estimated_reward}/\$${parseFloat(reward.usd_estimated_reward).toFixed(2)} (estimated reward) | templateImage=${BITCOIN_ICON}`);
	console.log(`OK workers (${ok_workers}) | ${SLUSHPOOL_URL}`)
	worker_keys.forEach(k => {
		if (workers[k].state == 'OK') {
			const worker_name = k.split('.')[1];
			console.log(`${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(workers[k].last_share))} (last share)`)
			console.log(`${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(workers[k].hash_rate_5m))} ${workers[k].hash_rate_unit} (5m)`);
			console.log(`${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(workers[k].hash_rate_60m))} ${workers[k].hash_rate_unit} (60m)`);
			console.log(`${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(workers[k].hash_rate_24h))} ${workers[k].hash_rate_unit} (24h)`);
	console.log(SEPARATOR); // existing balance 
	console.log(`${BTC_EXISTING_BALANCE} \$${numberWithCommas(parseFloat(USD_EXISTING_BTC_BALANCE).toFixed(2))} | ${REFRESH_FALSE} templateImage=${BITCOIN_ICON}`);

(async () => {

	let boldColor = 'white';

	try {
		child_process.execSync('defaults read -g AppleInterfaceStyle', { stdio: 'ignore' });
	} catch (err) {
		// AppleInterfaceStyle not set, which means user has light menu bar style
		boldColor = 'black';

	// verify key information is available
	const bitbar = await collectSlushpoolInfo();
	// debugSlushpoolOutputAndFormat(bitbar);
