Gitlab CI

Shows currently running pipelines from your GitLab in your bar. Interested in more advanced GitLab bar integration? Let me know ([email protected]). This implementation is just quick solution.

Image preview of Gitlab CI plugin.

Open on GitHub
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# <xbar.title>Gitlab CI</xbar.title>
# <xbar.desc>Shows currently running pipelines from your GitLab in your bar. Interested in more advanced GitLab bar integration? Let me know ([email protected]). This implementation is just quick solution.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.version>v0.21</xbar.version>
# <>Martin Kluska</>
# <>pionl</>
# <xbar.dependencies>python</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.abouturl></xbar.abouturl>

import json

    # For Python 3.0 and later
    from urllib.request import urlopen
except ImportError:
    # Fall back to Python 2's urllib2
    from urllib2 import urlopen

        # Your private key for accessing gitlab: User -> Settings -> Access tokens -> add personal access token with api scope
        'privateToken': 'token',
        # Gitlab URL
        'url': '',
        # Define your server and projects (name: id)
        # To get id go to project -> Settings -> General -> General project settings
        'projects': {
            "React": 3,

pipelines = []

# Converts the gitlab status to emoji
def stateIcon(status):
    return {
        "created": "💤",
        "pending": "💤",
        "running": "🚀",
        "failed": "❗",
        "success": "✔️",
        "skipped": "🚀",
        "manual": "💤"

# Calls gitlab API endpoint with private_token
def api (instance, method):
    url = instance['url'] + "/api/v4/" + method
    param = 'private_token=' + instance['privateToken']
    # Detect if method has query string (we need to append private token)
    url = url + (('&') if "?" in url else ('?')) + param
    body = urlopen(url).read()
    return json.loads(body.decode('utf-8'))

# Project details
class Project:
    def __init__ (self, name, id): = name = id

# Pipile job
class Job:
    def __init__ (self, json): = json["stage"] + (": " + json["name"] if json["name"] != json["stage"] else "" )
        self.status = json["status"]
        self.duration = 0 if json["duration"] is None or self.status == 'running' else int(json["duration"])
        self.commit = json['commit']['title']

    # Jobs name with duration
    def displayName(self):
        return + (' ' + str(self.duration) + 's' if self.duration > 0 else '')
# Pipile
class Pipeline:
    def __init__ (self, projectName, projectId, json):
        self.project = Project(projectName, projectId) = json["id"] = []
        self.runningJobs = []
        self.ref = str(json["ref"])
        self.commit = None

    # Display name with current running jobs
    def displayName(self):
        jobsString = '💤'

        # Get running jobs and append the name
        if len(self.runningJobs) > 0:
            strings = []
            for job in self.runningJobs:

            jobsString = ', '.join(strings)

        return + ' - ' + self.ref + ' (' + jobsString + ')'

    # Add jobs array json
    def addJobs(self, jobsArray):
        for jobJson in jobsArray:
            # Parse the job
            job = Job(jobJson)
            # Add the jobs array

            # Get the commit from the first job
            if self.commit is None:
                self.commit = job.commit

            # Check if the job is running for running jobs array
            if job.status == 'running':

# Loop the projects and get thy jobs
for instance in INSTANCES:
	for name, project in instance['projects'].iteritems():
		runningPipelines = api(instance, "projects/"+str(project)+"/pipelines?scope=running")

		for pipelineJson in runningPipelines:
			pipeline = Pipeline(name, project, pipelineJson)
			jobsArray = api(instance, "projects/"+str(project)+"/pipelines/"+str("/jobs")
			if jobsArray.count > 0:

pipelineCount = len(pipelines)
if pipelineCount == 0:
    print "💤"

## Render the pipelines names (bitbar will loop)
for index, pipeline in enumerate(pipelines):
    print '🚀 ',

    if pipelineCount > 1:
        print str(index + 1) + '/' + str(pipelineCount) + ' ',

    print pipeline.displayName()

## Start menu
print "---"

for pipeline in pipelines:
    print '🚀 ' + + ' - ' + pipeline.ref + '| color=black'
    print '-- commit: ' + pipeline.commit + '| color=black'
    print '---'
    for job in
        print stateIcon(job.status) + " ",

        style = ''
        if job.status == 'success':
            style = '| color=green'
        elif job.status == 'running':
            style = '| color=blue'

        print job.displayName() + style