Cycle text and detail text

Example of how to include items that cycle in the top, and items that only appear in the dropdown.

Image preview of Cycle text and detail text plugin.

Open on GitHub

# Include BitBar metadata like this at the top of the file
# (commented out, of course):
# <xbar.title>Cycle text and detail text</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <>Mat Ryer</>
# <>matryer</>
# <xbar.desc>Example of how to include items that cycle in the top, and items that only appear in the dropdown.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.abouturl></xbar.abouturl>
# Text above --- will be cycled through in the menu bar,
# whereas text underneath will be visible only when you
# open the menu.

echo one
echo two
echo three
echo ---
echo These lines are only visible
echo when you open the menu.