NotePlan v3 Todos

Display NotePlan's open todos for Today's note and This Week's note, and displayed with customizable color-code. Mark tasks "done" simply by clicking on them in the menubar drop-down list. (This was based on "Todo.NotePlan" by Richard Guay which in turn was based on "Todo Colour" plugin by Srdgh.)

Image preview of NotePlan v3 Todos plugin.


Open on GitHub
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# coding: utf-8

# <bitbar.title>NotePlan v3 Todos</bitbar.title>
# <bitbar.version>v1.0</bitbar.version>
# <>Jonathan Clark</>
# <>jgclark</>
# <bitbar.desc>Display NotePlan's open todos for Today's note and This Week's note, and displayed with customizable color-code. Mark tasks "done" simply by clicking on them in the menubar drop-down list. (This was based on "Todo.NotePlan" by Richard Guay which in turn was based on "Todo Colour" plugin by Srdgh.)</bitbar.desc>
# <bitbar.dependencies>ruby</bitbar.dependencies>
# <bitbar.image></bitbar.image>
# <bitbar.abouturl></bitbar.abouturl>

# <swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>true</swiftbar.hideRunInTerminal>

# bitbar documentation:
# brief swiftbar documentation:
# Main detail is:
# Script output for both header and body is split by line (\n). Each line must follow this format: <Item Title> | [param = ...] 
# Where:
# - "Item Title" can be any string, this will be used as a menu item title.
# - [param = ...] is an optional set of parameters\modificators. Each parameter is a key-value separated by =. Use | to separate parameters from the title.

# Modifications by Jonathan Clark
#   2022/09/15:
#     - add support for weekly notes as well
#     - remove logic that stops reading notes at first blank line
#     - now only print H1 and H2 headers
#     - now refreshes plugin after clicking on a task in the list
#     - cleanup code
#   2020/10/30:
#     - Update NP data storage filepaths for NotePlan 3 beta
#       (including CloudKit change at v3.0.15 beta)
#     - Make CloudKit location the default
#     - tweak colours and flags to suit my needs
#     - ignore tasks with dates scheduled into the future
#     - improve some non-tasks it was including
#     - code clean up
#   2020/11/29:
#     - auto-detect storage type (CloudKit > iCloud Drive > Drobpox if there are multiple)
#     - add option to specify the file extension in use (default to md, but can be txt)
# Modifications by Guillaume Barrette
#   2017/07/01:
#     - Added option to show subtasks
#   2017/06/15:
#     - Changed TRUE/FALSE constant to true/false since uppercase are deprecated in ruby 2.4
#     - Changed labels to start with '#' to follow NotePlan way of tagging
#     - Allow to change Fonts by the user
#     - Added a new parameter for users to specify if want the task to be archived
#       at the end of the file or not
#     - Added alternate action to mark as cancelled instead of done (using the
#       Option modifier key)
#     - Allow indentation at beginning of task
#   2017/06/03:
#     - Added 'divide_with_header' to allow to show sections separated by headers
#     - Updated the algorithm to skip all items that are not a task (Skip anything that
#       doesn't starts with '- ' or '* ' and if followed by [x], [>], [-])
#   2017/05/28:
#     - Fixed the line number of item to mark as done by getting the id before stripping
#       the lines that are not a task
#     - Scheduled task (to another day - [>]) are now skipped also
#   2017/05/20:
#     - Added Black and White NotePlan menubar icon
#     - Repaired a bug when there was no newline on the last line the done task would
#       get appended to the last line instead of a new line at the end
#     - Added the time in the @done(YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM) so it's like NotePlan preference
#     - Added User Parameters so it's easy to determine if we want to append the
#       @done(...) string at the end of the done task and if we want the black or white
#       menubar icon
#     - Changed the menubar icon to a templateImage so the color changes automatically
#       when using a dark menubar (removed the white icon)
#     - Removed 'use_black_icon' parameters since now it's automatic
#     - Changed encoding method and removed the use of 'force_encoding("utf-8")'
#     - Repaired a bug if there was no file already created for that day in NotePlan
# Modifications by Richard Guay
#   2017/05/20:
#       - Added using emoji option
#       - fixed character encoding on removing an item
#       - Proper parsing of [ ] in the todo.
#       - cleanup
require 'date'

# User Parameters:
insert_date_on_done_task = true  # If true, the date will be inserted with the @done tag
use_emoji_as_icon = false        # If true, will show emoji, otherwise it will use the black or white icon.
use_star = true                  # if true, will look for and use '*' instead of '-'
show_alt_task = false            # If true, tasks marked with the alternate character ('* ' if use_star is FALSE or '- ' if use_star is TRUE) will be shown in the task list. For example, this could be useful to use them as bullet list.
show_subtasks = true             # If true, subtasks are shown
divide_with_header = true        # If true, headers are shown
archive_task_at_end = false      # If true, the task will get archived to the end of the note
file_extension = '.md'            # Defaults to file extension type 'md' -- can change to '.txt'

standard_font = ''  # Font used for tasks
header_font   = 'SFPro-Bold' # Font used for headers if listed with 'divide_with_header'

Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8

USERNAME = ENV['LOGNAME'] # pull username from environment
USER_DIR = ENV['HOME'] # pull home directory from environment
DROPBOX_DIR = "#{USER_DIR}/Dropbox/Apps/NotePlan/Documents".freeze
ICLOUDDRIVE_DIR = "#{USER_DIR}/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~co~noteplan~NotePlan/Documents".freeze
CLOUDKIT_DIR = "#{USER_DIR}/Library/Containers/co.noteplan.NotePlan3/Data/Library/Application Support/co.noteplan.NotePlan3".freeze
data_root_filepath = DROPBOX_DIR if Dir.exist?(DROPBOX_DIR) && Dir[File.join(DROPBOX_DIR, '**', '*')].count { |file| File.file?(file) } > 1
data_root_filepath = ICLOUDDRIVE_DIR if Dir.exist?(ICLOUDDRIVE_DIR) && Dir[File.join(ICLOUDDRIVE_DIR, '**', '*')].count { |file| File.file?(file) } > 1
data_root_filepath = CLOUDKIT_DIR if Dir.exist?(CLOUDKIT_DIR) && Dir[File.join(CLOUDKIT_DIR, '**', '*')].count { |file| File.file?(file) } > 1

daily_file_loc = File.expand_path(data_root_filepath + '/Calendar/' +'%Y%m%d') + file_extension)
weekly_file_loc = File.expand_path(data_root_filepath + '/Calendar/' +'%Y-W%W') + file_extension)

if ARGV.empty?
  # Add further priority labels here
  priority_labels = ['@urgent', '#high']

  # Change priority color here
  priority_marker = '🔴'

  # Customise label color-code here:
  labels = {
    '@admin' => 'orange',
    '@liz' => 'yellow',
    '@home' => 'green',
    '@martha' => 'purple', # pink is too light
    '@Health' => 'cadetblue',
    '@church' => 'blue', # lightblue is too light
    '@tutorials' => 'violet',
    '@Envato' => 'darkorange',
    '@workflow' => 'purple',
    '@tutorial' => 'cobaltblue'

  lines_in_daily_file = File.exist?(daily_file_loc.to_s) ? IO.readlines(daily_file_loc.to_s) : []
  lines_in_weekly_file = File.exist?(weekly_file_loc.to_s) ? IO.readlines(weekly_file_loc.to_s) : []
  lines = []

  # Go through daily file, removing all lines that are not a todo.
  line_numbers = []
  line_count = 0
  task_style_to_search = show_alt_task ? ['- ', '* '] : use_star ? ['* '] : ['- ']
  lines_in_daily_file.each_index do |key|
    # Clean out leading and trailing whitespace
    line = lines_in_daily_file[key].gsub(/\s+$/, '')
    task_line = show_subtasks ? line.gsub(/^\s+/, '') : line
    if task_line.start_with?(*task_style_to_search) && !task_line[2..4].start_with?('[x]', '[>]', '[-]')  # Get only active Task items
      # Now check if doesn't have a >YYYY-MM-DD that schedules it into the future
      break if task_line =~ /\s>\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/

      # It's a todo line to display. Remove the leading task marker and add to the list.
      if use_star
        lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\*\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
        lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\-\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
    elsif divide_with_header && line =~ /^(#\s|##\s)/ # i.e. this is a header line
      # ignore the line
    line_count += 1
  daily_task_count = lines.size

  # repeat for weekly note, but to distinguish them, make the line_numbers negative instead
  line_count = 0
  lines_in_weekly_file.each_index do |key|
    # Clean out leading and trailing whitespace
    line = lines_in_weekly_file[key].gsub(/\s+$/, '')
    task_line = show_subtasks ? line.gsub(/^\s+/, '') : line
    if task_line.start_with?(*task_style_to_search) && !task_line[2..4].start_with?('[x]', '[>]', '[-]')  # Get only active Task items
      # Now check if doesn't have a >YYYY-MM-DD that schedules it into the future
      break if task_line =~ /\s>\d{4}\-\d{2}\-\d{2}/

      # It's a todo line to display. Remove the leading task marker and add to the list.
      if use_star
        lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\*\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
        lines.push(line.gsub(/^(\s*)\-\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1'))
    elsif divide_with_header && line =~ /^(#\s|##\s)/ # i.e. this is a H1 or H2 line
      # ignore the line
    line_count += 1
  weekly_task_count = lines.size - daily_task_count

  # Give the header. It's the NotePlan icon or an emoji briefcase with the number of items todo

  line_count = 0
  lines.each { |line|  line_count += 1 unless line.start_with?('#') }
  if use_emoji_as_icon
    puts "💼#{line_count}"
    puts "#{line_count} |templateImage=#{icon_base64}"

  puts '---' # end of header marker. (Each --- after the first one will be interpreted as a menu separator.)

  cfn = File.expand_path(__FILE__)

  # Create the list of items to do in the menu.
  item_number = 0
  puts "# Today's note (#{daily_task_count} open tasks) | color=blue,lightblue font=#{header_font} href=noteplan://x-callback-url/openNote?noteDate=#{'%Y%m%d')}" if ! 
  now_in_weekly_section = false
  lines.each do |item|
    # first check whether we're about to move to weekly items
    if (item_number == daily_task_count)
      puts "---" if ! 
      puts "# This Week's note (#{weekly_task_count} open tasks for #{'W%W')}) | color=purple,violet font=#{header_font} href=noteplan://x-callback-url/openNote?noteDate=#{'%Y-W%W')}" 
      now_in_weekly_section = true
    line_color = ''
    line = item.chomp
    if priority_labels.any? { |s| line.include? s }
      # If line contains priority label, display in priority color
      # line_color = priority_color
      # If line contains priority label, prefix item with priority_marker
      line = priority_marker + ' ' + line
      # If line contains no priority label, cycle through labels hash,
      # and if line contains a label display in corresponding color
      labels.each { |label, label_color| line_color = label_color if line.include?(label) }
    # If the line contains no label, display in default color. Otherwise, in
    # chosen color. Clicking line launches this script with line number as
    # the parameter.
    line_font = standard_font
    # If this is a H1 or H2 line, then print as a title, and put a separator before it
    if line.start_with?('# ', '## ')
      puts('---') unless item_number == 0
      line_font = header_font
    if !now_in_weekly_section
      line_params = "#{line_color.empty? ? '' : 'color=' + line_color} #{line_font.empty? ? '' : 'font=' + line_font} bash='#{cfn}' param1=#{line_numbers[item_number]}D"
      line_params = "#{line_color.empty? ? '' : 'color=' + line_color} #{line_font.empty? ? '' : 'font=' + line_font} bash='#{cfn}' param1=#{line_numbers[item_number]}W"
    puts("#{line} | " + line_params + " param2=x terminal=false trim=false refresh=true\n")
    puts("#{line} | alternate=true " + line_params + " param2=- terminal=false trim=false refresh=true\n") # alternative 'cancel' item used when 'option' key is pressed
    item_number += 1
  puts '---'
  puts "Click an item to mark as 'done'"
  puts "Click an item to mark as 'cancelled' | alternate=true" # alternative 'cancel' item used when 'option' key is pressed
  puts 'Refresh now (normally every 15m) | refresh=true'

  # This is what to do when clicking on an item:
  # - set it as done
  # - (if wanted) move the item to the Archive section
  # (and create it first if needed).

  # Get the task number to complete/cancel (starting from 0)
  item = ARGV[0]
  do_num = item.to_i # keep just numeric portion, dropping terminal characters
  # Get value of param2, which is either 'x' or '-'
  mark = ARGV[1]
  puts "Checking off for item #{item} line #{do_num} and mark '#{mark}'"

  # If the item finishes 'D' then we're updating the daily note
  if item.end_with?('D')
    # Get the list of todos and setup variables
    daily_todo_file =
    lines_in_daily_file = IO.readlines(daily_todo_file)
    unless lines_in_daily_file[do_num].start_with?('#') # Do nothing if the item is a header
      task = ''
      lines = []
      line_number = 0

      lines_in_daily_file[-1] = lines_in_daily_file[-1] + "\n" unless lines_in_daily_file[-1].include? "\n"

      # Process the todo list lines
      lines_in_daily_file.each do |line|
        if line_number != do_num
          # It is one of the other lines. Just push it into the stack
          # Get the line to be moved to the archive area
          task = if insert_date_on_done_task
                  line.chomp + (mark == 'x' ? " @done(#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')})\n" : "\n")
                  task = line.chomp + "\n"
          task = task.gsub(/^(\s*)([\-\*]+)\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1\2 [' + mark + '] ') # Works with both task style, useful if mix with 'show_alt_task', also it keeps the indentation at beginning of the line
          lines.push(task) if !archive_task_at_end
        line_number += 1

      # Add the task to the bottom
      lines.push(task) if archive_task_at_end

      # Save the file
      IO.write(daily_todo_file, lines.join)

  # ... otherwise update the weekly note
    # Get the list of todos and setup variables
    weekly_todo_file =
    lines_in_weekly_file = IO.readlines(weekly_todo_file)

    unless lines_in_weekly_file[do_num].start_with?('#') # Do nothing if the item is a header
      task = ''
      lines = []
      line_number = 0
      lines_in_weekly_file[-1] = lines_in_weekly_file[-1] + "\n" unless lines_in_weekly_file[-1].include? "\n"

      # Process the todo list lines
      lines_in_weekly_file.each do |line|
        if line_number != do_num
          # It is one of the other lines. Just push it into the stack
          # Get the line to be moved to the archive area
          task = if insert_date_on_done_task
                  line.chomp + (mark == 'x' ? " @done(#{'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')})\n" : "\n")
                  task = line.chomp + "\n"
          task = task.gsub(/^(\s*)([\-\*]+)\s*(\[ \]\s*)*/, '\1\2 [' + mark + '] ') # Works with both task style, useful if mix with 'show_alt_task', also it keeps the indentation at beginning of the line
          if !archive_task_at_end
        line_number += 1

      # Add the task to the bottom
      lines.push(task) if archive_task_at_end

      # Save the file
      IO.write(weekly_todo_file, lines.join)
