Digital Zeitgebers

A fuzzy clock that reminds you of certain sleep hyigene recommendations, such as when to avoid blue light, caffeine, etc., at the proper time.

Image preview of Digital Zeitgebers plugin.

Open on GitHub
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# <xbar.title>Digital Zeitgebers</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.1</xbar.version>
# <>Edward</>
# <>0xedward</>
# <xbar.desc>A fuzzy clock that reminds you of certain sleep hyigene recommendations, such as when to avoid blue light, caffeine, etc., at the proper time.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>python</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.abouturl></xbar.abouturl>

from time import localtime, strftime
from datetime import timedelta

""" User Settings - Change the values below"""
bedtime = 22 # Change the value to what time you usually go to bed in the 24hr format rounded to the nearest hour (i.e. 22 for 10:15pm)
wakeup_time = 6 # Change the value to what time you usually wake up in the 24hr format rounded to the nearest hour (i.e. 6 for 5:45am)
""" End of User Settings """

def generate_message_and_link():
    current_hour_military_time = int(strftime('%H', localtime()))
    message = ""
    link = ""
    topic = ""
    bedtime_delta = (timedelta(hours=bedtime) - timedelta(hours=current_hour_military_time)).seconds / 60 / 60
    wakeup_time_delta = (timedelta(hours=wakeup_time) - timedelta(hours=current_hour_military_time)).seconds / 60 / 60
    if current_hour_military_time == wakeup_time or wakeup_time_delta == 1:
        message = ":alarm_clock: Good morning! Time to get up!"
        topic = "Chronotypes and Circadian Rhythms"
        link = ""
    elif bedtime_delta <= 6 and bedtime_delta > 2:
        message = ":coffee: No more caffeine!"
        topic = "Caffeine's effect on sleep"
        link = ""
    elif bedtime_delta == 2:
        message = ":no_mobile_phones: Avoid blue light!"
        topic = "Blue light exposure's effect on sleep"
        link = ""
    elif bedtime_delta == 1:
        message = ":zzz: Prepare to sleep!"
        topic = "Sleep Latency"
        link = ""
    elif bedtime == current_hour_military_time:
        message = ":sleeping: Good night! Time for bed!"
        topic = "Chronotypes and Circadian Rhythms"
        link = ""
    return [message, topic, link]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    delta = (timedelta(hours=bedtime) - (timedelta(hours=wakeup_time))).seconds / 60 / 60
    if not (bedtime >= 0 and bedtime <= 23):
        print(":heavy_exclamation_mark: Please input an hour that is between 0-23 for your bedtime")
    elif not (wakeup_time >= 0 and wakeup_time <= 23):
        print(":heavy_exclamation_mark: Please input an hour that is between 0-23 for your wakeup time")
    elif bedtime == wakeup_time:
        print(":heavy_exclamation_mark: Your bedtime and wakeup time cannot be the same value")
    elif delta > 17:
        print(":heavy_exclamation_mark: The interval between bedtime and wakeup time cannot be more than 17 hours.")
        outputs = generate_message_and_link()
        print(("--Learn More | href={link}".format(link=outputs[2])))