#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Transmission Remote
# <xbar.title>Transmission Remote</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <xbar.author>Christoph Russ</xbar.author>
# <xbar.author.github>christophruss</xbar.author.github>
# <xbar.desc>
# Checking transmission status, info and allowing adjustment to alternative speed.
# Requires a single initial setup: `python transmission.4m.py init`
# This plugin displays all not yet completed torrents using "transmission-remote" cli.
# You can pause any torrent in the list by selecting them.
# If all active downloads have completed, but some torrents had been paused, the oldest one will be unpaused automatically.
# </xbar.desc>
# <xbar.dependencies>transmission-remote,python,keyring</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.image>http://i.imgur.com/hUWGq3u.jpg</xbar.image>
# Dependencies:
# transmission-remote (https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/Building)
# available via homebrew `brew install transmission`
# keyring (https://github.com/jaraco/keyring)
import sys
import subprocess
import keyring
def init():
import getpass
print "Enter your Transmission Server IP (e.g. or "
host_ip = raw_input()
keyring.set_password("transmission-bitbar", "ip", host_ip)
print "Enter your Transmission port (default: 9091): "
host_port = raw_input()
keyring.set_password("transmission-bitbar", "port", host_port)
print "Enter your Transmission user name: "
usr = raw_input()
keyring.set_password("transmission-bitbar", "username", usr)
print "Enter your Transmission password: "
pswd = getpass.getpass()
keyring.set_password("transmission-bitbar", usr, pswd)
pswd = ''
def check_transmission(argv):
remote_bin = '/usr/local/bin/transmission-remote' # also make this configurable ?
host_ip = keyring.get_password("transmission-bitbar", "ip")
host_port = keyring.get_password("transmission-bitbar", "port")
host_user = keyring.get_password("transmission-bitbar", "username")
host_pswd = keyring.get_password("transmission-bitbar", host_user)
if 'slowdown' in argv:
subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -as', shell=True)
elif 'speedup' in argv:
subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -AS', shell=True)
elif 'pause' in argv:
subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -t ' + argv[-1] + ' -S', shell=True)
elif 'resume' in argv:
subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -t ' + argv[-1] + ' -s', shell=True)
session_info = subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -si -st', shell=True)
session_info_lines = session_info.split('\n')
slow_speed = False
for session_info_line in session_info_lines:
if 'speed limit' in session_info_line:
if not 'Unlimited' in session_info_line:
slow_speed = True
info = subprocess.check_output(remote_bin+' '+host_ip+':'+host_port+' --auth '+host_user+':'+host_pswd+' -l', shell=True)
info_lines = info.split('\n')
host_pswd = ''
return slow_speed,info_lines
def info_output(slow_speed, info_lines, auto_resume=True):
unfinished_lines = []
paused_lines = []
for info_line in info_lines:
if not '100%' in info_line and len(info_line)>0:
if 'Stopped' in info_line:
formatting = ''
if len(unfinished_lines) < 3:
if len(paused_lines) > 0:
if not auto_resume:
# nothing is actively downloading, but there are paused items in your queue
# red means - warning - you need to check this ...
formatting = formatting + ' | color=red'
# with auto_resume we will automatically resume ONE of the items in the queue
# it could make sense to resume the smallest download with the simple assumtion that it will download the fastest
# of course this can and will lead to larger items being stuck in the queue forever
# it's also more work to actually query all info and parse it to find the smallest item in the paused queue
# it is a lot easier to just unpause the first (or last) item added to the queue (smallest ID)
# the items should already be in order, so we just pick the first one !
t_id = paused_lines[0].strip().split(' ')[0]
check_transmission([__file__, 'resume', t_id]) # file arg isn't really needed, but it's more consistent this way
unfinished_lines.insert(1, paused_lines[0]) #this may not be ordered by ID anymore after this step
paused_lines.pop(0) # or del(0) or [1:]
# nothing is actually happening ... all downloads finished
formatting = formatting + ' | color=green'
if slow_speed:
print "¶" + formatting # | color=#808080 #grey: 999999 #lighter grey: b3b3b3
print "∞" + formatting # | color=white
print "---"
if slow_speed:
print '∞ Unlimited Speed | refresh=true bash=/usr/bin/python param1='+__file__+' param2=speedup terminal=false'
print '¶ Limit Speed | refresh=true bash=/usr/bin/python param1='+__file__+' param2=slowdown terminal=false'
print '---'
content_formatting = ' | size=12 font=Arial'
print unfinished_lines[0] + content_formatting
click_command = ' refresh=true bash=/usr/bin/python param1='+__file__+' param2=pause param3='
content_formatting = content_formatting + ' color=yellow'
for info_line in unfinished_lines[1:-1]:
t_id = info_line.strip().split(' ')[0]
print info_line + content_formatting + click_command + t_id + ' terminal=false'
content_formatting = content_formatting[:-13]
click_command = ' refresh=true bash=/usr/bin/python param1='+__file__+' param2=resume param3='
if len(paused_lines) > 0:
content_formatting = content_formatting + ' color=red'
print '---'
for paused_line in paused_lines:
t_id = paused_line.strip().split(' ')[0]
print paused_line + content_formatting + click_command + t_id + ' terminal=false'
content_formatting = content_formatting[:-10]
print '---'
print unfinished_lines[-1] + content_formatting
def main(argv):
if 'init' in argv:
# this is an init call to setup account details, which should only have to be done once
# simply call:
# python ../transmission.4m.py init
# then enter your account details, which will be stored in your keychain !
# please note for this to work system level access to the created keychain items is REQUIRED
# technically any other app can thus read out this information from your keychain
# there is no easy way around this if you do not want to enter your password every time
slow_speed,info_lines = check_transmission(argv)
except Exception as e:
print "¶ | color=yellow" #error occured
print "---"
print "Exception caught. Have you initialized this script?"
print "python " + __file__ + " init | refresh=true bash=/usr/bin/python param1=" + __file__ + " param2=init terminal=true"
print "---"
print e
if __name__ == "__main__":