Displays ProtonVPN server load for free and user defined servers
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# <xbar.title>ProtonVPN Server Monitor</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.1</xbar.version>
# <xbar.author>Sai Sasidhar Maddali</xbar.author>
# <xbar.author.github>saisasidhar</xbar.author.github>
# <xbar.desc>Displays ProtonVPN server load for free and user defined servers</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image>https://raw.githubusercontent.com/saisasidhar/utils/master/bitbar-argos/ProtonVPN/preview-bitbar.png</xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>python</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.abouturl>https://github.com/saisasidhar/utils/tree/master/bitbar-argos/ProtonVPN</xbar.abouturl>
from urllib.request import urlopen
import json
menu_titles = []
menu_items = []
menu_end = []
free_servers = []
custom_servers = []
# Change this to track custom VPN servers. For example: ["NL#1", "NL#13", "NL#25"]
custom_server_names = []
# Change this to display/hide free VPN servers
display_free = True
# Change this to display/hide country flags (emoji)
display_flags = False
# However, flag emojis are not shown in macOS when emoji code such as :in: is used (Tested on macOS 10.12.5)
# Nevertheless, this flag can be set to true for argos (gnome extension)
api_response = urlopen("https://api.protonmail.ch/vpn/logicals")
string_response = api_response.read().decode("utf-8")
available_servers = json.loads(string_response)["LogicalServers"]
if display_free:
free_servers = [server for server in available_servers if server["Tier"] == 0]
if len(custom_server_names) != 0:
custom_servers = [server for server in available_servers if server["Name"] in custom_server_names]
track_servers = custom_servers + free_servers
if len(track_servers) != 0:
min_load_server = min(track_servers, key=lambda x:x["Load"])
menu_titles.append(str(min_load_server["Load"]) + "% load on " + min_load_server["Name"])
for ts in track_servers:
menu_items.append(str(":"+ts["Country"]+":\t" if display_flags else "") +\
str(ts["Load"]).zfill(2) + "% on " + ts["Name"] +\
"| color=" +\
str("#9CCB19" if ts["Load"] < 33 else ("#FF9912" if ts["Load"]<66 else "#FF4040")))
menu_end.append("Refresh | refresh=true")
for title in menu_titles:
for item in menu_items:
for item in menu_end:
except Exception as e:
print("ProtonVPN Error")