Allows volumes to be ejected/unmounted.
// <xbar.title>Unmount</xbar.title>
// <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
// <>Nigel Scott</>
// <>gruntfuggly</>
// <xbar.desc>Allows volumes to be ejected/unmounted.</xbar.desc>
// <xbar.image></xbar.image>
// <xbar.dependencies>node</xbar.dependencies>
var child_process = require( 'child_process' );
var mountedVolumes = child_process.execSync( "ls -1 /Volumes" ).toString().trim().split( '\n' );
var volumes = child_process.execSync( "diskutil list external physical" ).toString().trim().split( '\n' );
var volumeMap = {}; function( volume )
// Should find a better way to do this...
var name = volume.substr( 33, 23 ).trim();
var identifier = volume.substr( 68 );
if( name && identifier !== 'IDENTIFIER' )
volumeMap[ name ] = identifier;
} );
var entries = []; function( volume )
if( volumeMap[ volume ] )
var entry = volume + " | terminal=false refresh=true bash=/usr/sbin/diskutil param1=unmount param2=" + volumeMap[ volume ];
entries.push( entry );
} );
if( entries.length > 0 )
console.log( "⏏" );
console.log( "---" ); function( entry )
console.log( entry );
} );