
A simple METAR reporter with direct links to the DarkSky or NWS report.

Image preview of MenuMetar plugin.


Open on GitHub


# <xbar.title>MenuMetar</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
# <>Andrew Larson</>
# <>htmlarson</>
# <xbar.desc>A simple METAR reporter with direct links to the DarkSky or NWS report.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.dependencies>php</xbar.dependencies>

To configure this plugin or if you desire multiple reports, use this syntax:


For example, for KJFK:



$filename_array = explode(".", basename(__FILE__));
$ICAO = strtoupper($filename_array[0]);

$metar = file_get_contents("" . $ICAO) or die($ICAO . ": No data");

$metar_object = new SimpleXMLElement($metar);
$ready_to_parse = $metar_object->data->METAR;

$skycond_setup = $ready_to_parse->sky_condition->attributes();
$skycond_ready = $skycond_setup[0];
if($skycond_setup[1]) {
  $skycond_ready .= " @ " . $skycond_setup[1] . " feet";
$temp_f = (intVal($ready_to_parse->temp_c) * 1.8) + 32;
$dewpoint_c = $ready_to_parse->dewpoint_c;
$dewpoint_f = (intVal($ready_to_parse->dewpoint_c) * 1.8) + 32;
$wind = $ready_to_parse->wind_speed_kt . "kt @ " . $ready_to_parse->wind_dir_degrees . "°";
// Bitbar content echo

$bitbar_content = $temp_f . "°F";
$bitbar_content .= "\n---";
$bitbar_content .= "\n Current information for " . $ICAO;
$bitbar_content .= "\nView Report From...";
$bitbar_content .= "\n--DarkSky|href=" . $ready_to_parse->latitude . "," . $ready_to_parse->longitude;
$bitbar_content .= "\n--National Weather Service|href=" . $ready_to_parse->latitude . "&lon=" . $ready_to_parse->longitude;
$bitbar_content .= "\nSky Condition: " . $skycond_ready;
$bitbar_content .= "\nVisibility: " . $ready_to_parse->visibility_statute_mi . " miles";
$bitbar_content .= "\nPressure: " . $ready_to_parse->altim_in_hg . " mmHg";
$bitbar_content .= "\nDewpoint: ". $dewpoint_f . "°F";
$bitbar_content .= "\nWind: " . $wind;

echo $bitbar_content;