Grabs simple weather information from openweathermap. Needs configuration for location and API key.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# <xbar.title>Weather - OpenWeatherMap</xbar.title>
# <xbar.version>v1.3</xbar.version>
# <>Daniel Seripap</>
# <>seripap</>
# <xbar.desc>Grabs simple weather information from openweathermap. Needs configuration for location and API key.</xbar.desc>
# <xbar.image></xbar.image>
# <xbar.dependencies>python,emoji</xbar.dependencies>
# <xbar.var>string(VAR_LOCATION="Buenos Aires, AR"): Your location in the format: city name, country code.</xbar.var>
import emoji
import json
from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.error import URLError
from random import randint
import datetime
import os
location_name = "{0}".format(os.getenv('VAR_LOCATION')).replace(" ", "%20")
api_key = '8b4824b451d5db1612156837df880f55'
units = 'imperial' # kelvin, metric, imperial
lang = 'en'
def get_wx():
if api_key == "":
return False
daily_wx = json.load(urlopen(f'{location_name}'
f'&units={units}&lang={lang}&appid={api_key}&v={str(randint(0, 100))}'))
location = str(daily_wx['city']['id'])
wx = json.load(urlopen(
'' + location + '&units=' + units + '&lang=' + lang + '&appid=' + api_key + "&v=" + str(
randint(0, 100))))
except URLError:
return False
if units == 'metric':
unit = 'C'
elif units == 'imperial':
unit = 'F'
unit = 'K' # Default is kelvin
daily_forecast = []
for day in daily_wx['list']:
daily_forecast.append({'id': day['weather'][0]['id'],
'datetime': datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(day['dt']),
'max': str(int(round(day['temp']['max']))),
'min': str(int(round(day['temp']['min'])))})
weather_data = {
'temperature': str(int(round(wx['main']['temp']))),
'condition': str(wx['weather'][0]['description']),
'id': wx['weather'][0]['id'],
'city': wx['name'],
'unit': '°' + unit,
'daily_forecast': daily_forecast
except KeyError:
return False
return weather_data
def render_wx():
weather_data = get_wx()
emoji_dict = {
200: ":zap:", 201: ":zap:", 202: ":zap:", 210: ":zap:", 211: ":zap:", 212: ":zap:", 221: ":zap:", 230: ":zap:",
231: ":zap:", 232: ":zap:",
300: ":umbrella:", 301: ":umbrella:", 302: ":umbrella:", 310: ":umbrella:", 311: ":umbrella:",
312: ":umbrella:", 313: ":umbrella:", 314: ":umbrella:", 321: ":umbrella:",
500: ":umbrella:", 501: ":umbrella:", 502: ":umbrella:", 503: ":umbrella:", 504: ":umbrella:",
511: ":umbrella:", 520: ":umbrella:", 521: ":umbrella:", 522: ":umbrella:", 531: ":umbrella:",
600: ":snowflake:", 601: ":snowflake:", 602: ":snowflake:", 611: ":snowflake:", 612: ":snowflake:",
613: ":snowflake:", 615: ":snowflake:", 616: ":snowflake:", 620: ":snowflake:", 621: ":snowflake:",
622: ":snowflake:",
701: ":fog:", 711: ":fog:", 721: ":fog:", 731: ":fog:", 741: ":fog:", 751: ":fog:", 761: ":fog:", 762: ":fog:",
771: ":fog:",
781: ":cyclone:",
800: ":sunny:",
801: ":partly_sunny:", 802: ":partly_sunny:", 803: ":cloud:", 804: ":cloud:",
tridash = '\n' + '---' + '\n'
if weather_data is False:
return 'Err' + tridash + 'Could not get weather; Maybe check API key or location?'
emojiweather = emoji.emojize(emoji_dict[weather_data['id']])
emoji_t = '' + emojiweather + weather_data['temperature'] + weather_data['unit']
return emoji_t
condi = [x.capitalize() for x in weather_data['condition'].split(' ')]
daily_forecast_encoded = '\n'
for daily_forecast in weather_data['daily_forecast']:
daily_forecast_encoded = f"{daily_forecast_encoded}{daily_forecast['datetime'].strftime('%a')} " \
f"{daily_forecast['datetime'].month}/{daily_forecast['datetime'].day} " \
f"{emoji.emojize(emoji_dict[daily_forecast['id']])} " \
f"{daily_forecast['max']}{weather_data['unit']}/" \
f"{daily_forecast['min']}{weather_data['unit']} | font=Menlo color=white\n"
return f'{emoji_t}{tridash}{" ".join(condi)} | refresh = true{daily_forecast_encoded}'