#!/usr/bin/env /usr/local/bin/node
// jshint asi:true
// jshint esversion: 11
// jshint module:true
// jshint node:true
// <xbar.title>GitHub Work List</xbar.title>
// <xbar.version>v1.0</xbar.version>
// <xbar.author>Simeon Cheeseman</xbar.author>
// <xbar.author.github>simeonc</xbar.author.github>
// <xbar.desc>List of your assigned, authored and review requested pull requests. Also shows any branches pushed that haven't had pull requests created yet.
// Each Pull in the dropdown is grouped by project and displays `"Title"; "Mergeable Status"`, clicking on an Pull opens it in the browser</xbar.desc>
// <xbar.dependencies>node.js</xbar.dependencies>
// <xbar.image>https://i.imgur.com/SwvRjft.png</xbar.image>
// <xbar.var>string(GITHUB_API_TOKEN=""): Github token with repo:status scope which is required for checks</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>string(GITHUB_HOST="github.com"): The domain your instance is hosted on. Leave the default if using github.com</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>number(FONT_SIZE=15): Font size of the MR title and status</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>number(PROJECT_FONT_SIZE=13): Font size of the project heading</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>select(DARK_MODE="auto"): Choose dark mode settings [auto, dark, light]</xbar.var>
* Information
* @see BitBar Node Module Docs https://github.com/sindresorhus/xbar
const private_token = process.env.GITHUB_API_TOKEN;
const font_size = process.env.FONT_SIZE;
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_NEW_BRANCH=true): show count and icon 📝 of new branches pushed without a Pull icon in the menubar (note that this basically is from when the plugin is installed, not all branches)</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_REQUESTED_REVIEWER=true): show count and icon 🔎 of requested reviews in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_DRAFT=true): show count and icon 🛠️ of Draft pulls in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNMERGABLE=true): show count and icon ⛔ of unmergable Pulls in the menubar - Unmergable means the head ref is out of date or the merge commit cannot be cleanly created</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_BLOCKED=true): show count and icon 🚧 of Pulls that are blocked in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_APPROVED=true): show count and icon ❇️ of Pulls with Mergeable and passing commit status in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNSTABLE=true): show count and icon ⚠️ of Pulls that are mergeable with non-passing commit status in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_HAS_HOOKS=true): show count and icon 🚀 of Pulls that are mergeable with passing commit status and pre-receive hooks in the menubar</xbar.var>
// <xbar.var>boolean(MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNKNOWN=true): show count and icon 💬 of pulls that have an unknown mergable state in the menubar</xbar.var>
* Change this array to choose which statuses show and in what order on the menu bar.
* @type {string[]}
const MENU_BAR_ORDER = [
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_NEW_BRANCH === "true" ? "new" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_REQUESTED_REVIEWER === "true" ? "reviewer" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_DRAFT === "true" ? "draft" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNMERGABLE === "true" ? "unmergable" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_BLOCKED === "true" ? "blocked" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_APPROVED === "true" ? "approved" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNSTABLE === "true" ? "failed" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_HAS_HOOKS === "true" ? "ciRunning" : false,
process.env.MENU_BAR_SHOW_UNKNOWN === "true" ? "pending" : false,
].filter((k) => !!k);
* MAX length of the title string in the toolbar
* @type {number}
const MAX_LENGTH = 60;
// Do not edit below this line unless you know what you're doing. :) //
import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";
import childProcess from "child_process";
const [node, thisFilePath, ...args] = process.argv;
const SETTINGS_FILE_PATH = `${thisFilePath.replace(
(async () => {
let _settings;
async function updateSettings() {
if (!_settings) return;
await fs.writeFileSync(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH, JSON.stringify(_settings));
* @returns {Promise<{ username: string, currentBranches: {id: string, repoId: string, repo: string, branch: string, description: string, url: string}[], ignoredBranches: {id: string, repoId: string, ref: string}[]}>}
async function getSettings() {
if (_settings) return _settings;
if (fs.existsSync(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH)) {
_settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(SETTINGS_FILE_PATH)) || {};
} else {
_settings = {};
if (!_settings.username) {
const myUser = await octokit.rest.users.getAuthenticated();
_settings.username = myUser.data.login;
if (!_settings.currentBranches) {
_settings.currentBranches = [];
if (!_settings.ignoredBranches) {
_settings.ignoredBranches = [];
return _settings;
if (args.length) {
const [command, ...params] = args;
switch (command) {
case "remove_branch":
const settings = await getSettings();
const branchPredicate = (branch) => branch.id === params[0];
const branchToRemove = settings.currentBranches.find(branchPredicate);
if (!branchToRemove) return;
const index = settings.currentBranches.findIndex(branchPredicate);
if (index !== -1) {
settings.currentBranches.splice(index, 1);
if (!settings.ignoredBranches.find(branchPredicate)) {
id: branchToRemove.id,
repoId: branchToRemove.repoId,
branch: branchToRemove.branch,
await updateSettings();
console.error(`Unknown command ${args.join(" ")}`);
const xbar = await installAndRequire("@sindresorhus/xbar");
const { Octokit } = await installAndRequire("octokit");
const textColor = (() => {
switch (process.env.DARK_MODE) {
case "dark":
return "white";
case "light":
return "black";
case "auto":
return xbar.darkMode ? "white" : "black";
const githubIconBase64 =
textColor === "black"
const octokit = new Octokit({
userAgent: "xbar/github_work-list - node " + process.version,
auth: private_token,
const statusIconMap = {
reviewer: "🔎",
unmergable: "⛔",
failed: "⚠️",
ciRunning: "🚀",
pending: "💬",
approved: "❇️",
draft: "🛠️",
blocked: "🚧",
new: "📝",
async function searchPullRequests() {
const { username } = await getSettings();
const responses = await Promise.all([
q: `is:open is:pr review-requested:${username} archived:false `,
per_page: 20,
q: `is:open is:pr assignee:${username} archived:false `,
per_page: 20,
q: `is:open is:pr author:${username} archived:false `,
per_page: 20,
const uniqueResponses = [];
responses.forEach((response) => {
response.data.items.forEach((item) => {
if (!uniqueResponses.find((uniqueItem) => uniqueItem.id === item.id)) {
return await Promise.all(
uniqueResponses.slice(0, 20).map(async (item) => {
const [owner, repo] = item.repository_url.split("/").slice(-2);
const result = await octokit.graphql(
`query($owner: String!, $repo: String!, $pull_number: Int!) {
repository(owner: $owner, name:$repo) {
pullRequest(number:$pull_number) {
baseRepository {
headRepository {
author {
assignees(first: 10) {
nodes {
commits(last: 1) {
nodes {
commit {
statusCheckRollup {
headers: {
Accept: "application/vnd.github.merge-info-preview+json",
pull_number: item.number,
const { pullRequest } = result.repository;
const [{ commit: lastCommit }] = pullRequest.commits.nodes;
const pull = {
number: item.number,
title: pullRequest.title,
body: pullRequest.bodyText,
url: pullRequest.url,
headRef: pullRequest.headRefName,
reviewDecision: pullRequest.reviewDecision,
mergeStateStatus: pullRequest.mergeStateStatus,
author: pullRequest.author.login,
assignees: pullRequest.assignees.nodes.map((node) => node.login),
repoName: pullRequest.baseRepository.nameWithOwner,
repoId: pullRequest.headRepository.id,
isDraft: pullRequest.isDraft,
if (lastCommit.statusCheckRollup) {
const { state } = lastCommit.statusCheckRollup;
switch (state) {
case "ERROR":
case "FAILURE":
pull.latestCheck = "failed";
case "EXPECTED":
case "PENDING":
pull.latestCheck = "running";
case "SUCCESS":
pull.latestCheck = "passed";
return pull;
async function updateCurrentBranches() {
const { ignoredBranches, currentBranches, username } = await getSettings();
const activities =
await octokit.rest.activity.listEventsForAuthenticatedUser({
for (let i = activities.data.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
const activity = activities.data[i];
const findPredicate = (event) =>
event.repoId === activity.repo.id &&
event.branch === activity.payload.ref;
if (
activity.type === "CreateEvent" &&
activity.payload.ref_type === "branch"
) {
if (
(branch) =>
branch.id === activity.id && branch.repoId === activity.repo.id
const oldBranchIndex = currentBranches.findIndex(
(branch) => branch.id === activity.id
const branch = {
id: activity.id,
repoId: activity.repo.id,
repo: activity.repo.full_name || activity.repo.name,
branch: activity.payload.ref,
description: activity.payload.description,
url: `https://github.com/${activity.repo.name}/compare/${activity.payload.ref}?expand=1`,
if (oldBranchIndex >= 0) {
currentBranches.splice(oldBranchIndex, 1, branch);
} else {
} else if (
activity.type === "DeleteEvent" &&
activity.payload.ref_type === "branch"
) {
const branchIndex = currentBranches.findIndex(findPredicate);
if (branchIndex >= 0) {
currentBranches.splice(branchIndex, 1);
const ignoredBranchIndex = ignoredBranches.findIndex(findPredicate);
if (ignoredBranchIndex >= 0) {
ignoredBranches.splice(ignoredBranchIndex, 1);
} else if (
activity.type === "PullRequestEvent" &&
activity.payload.action === "opened"
) {
const branch = currentBranches.find(
(event) =>
event.repoId === activity.payload.pull_request.head.repo.id &&
event.branch === activity.payload.pull_request.head.ref
if (branch) {
currentBranches.splice(currentBranches.indexOf(branch), 1);
return currentBranches;
function get(object, keyPath) {
const keys = keyPath.split(".");
let result = object;
while (keys.length && typeof result === "object") {
const currentKey = keys.shift();
result = result[currentKey];
return result;
function createMapByKey(items, keyPath) {
const result = {};
items.forEach((item) => {
const key = get(item, keyPath);
result[key] = result[key] || [];
return result;
async function getPulls() {
const { username } = await getSettings();
const statusCount = {};
function incrementStatusCount(key) {
statusCount[key] = statusCount[key] || 0;
statusCount[key] += 1;
const [currentBranches, pullRequestSearch] = await Promise.all([
if (currentBranches.length === 0 && pullRequestSearch.length === 0) {
// Hide when no open MRs
return xbar([
image: githubIconBase64,
text: `0 Pulls`,
color: textColor,
dropdown: true,
const currentBranchesByProject = createMapByKey(currentBranches, "repo");
const pullRequestsByProject = createMapByKey(pullRequestSearch, "repoName");
const projectIds = Object.keys(currentBranchesByProject);
Object.keys(pullRequestsByProject).forEach((projectId) => {
if (projectIds.indexOf(projectId) === -1) {
function getProjectName(projectId) {
const projectBranches = currentBranchesByProject[projectId] || [];
const pulls = pullRequestsByProject[projectId] || [];
if (projectBranches.length) {
return projectBranches[0].repo;
return pulls[0].repoName;
projectIds.sort((projectIdA, projectIdB) => {
const nameA = getProjectName(projectIdA);
const nameB = getProjectName(projectIdB);
if (nameA < nameB) return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) return 1;
return 0;
const content = [];
projectIds.forEach((projectId) => {
const projectBranches = currentBranchesByProject[projectId] || [];
const pulls = pullRequestsByProject[projectId] || [];
text: getProjectName(projectId),
size: process.env.PROJECT_FONT_SIZE,
projectBranches.forEach((branch) => {
const submenu = (
? [
text: "Description",
size: process.env.PROJECT_FONT_SIZE,
text: branch.description,
size: font_size,
: []
text: "Remove from list",
size: font_size,
shell: thisFilePath,
param1: `remove_branch`,
param2: branch.id,
terminal: false,
text: `${statusIconMap.new}: ${branch.branch}`,
href: branch.url,
size: font_size,
pulls.forEach((pull) => {
let icon;
if (
pull.author !== username &&
!pull.assignees.find((assignee) => assignee === username)
) {
icon = "reviewer";
} else if (pull.isDraft) {
icon = "draft";
} else {
icon = (() => {
switch (pull.mergeStateStatus) {
case "BEHIND": // The head ref is out of date.
case "DIRTY": // The merge commit cannot be cleanly created.
return "unmergable";
case "CLEAN": // Mergeable and passing commit status.
return "approved";
case "DRAFT": // The merge is blocked due to the pull request being a draft.
return "draft";
case "HAS_HOOKS": // Mergeable with passing commit status and pre-receive hooks.
return "ciRunning";
case "UNSTABLE": // Mergeable with non-passing commit status.
if (pull.latestCheck === "running") return "ciRunning";
return "failed";
case "UNKNOWN": // The state cannot currently be determined.
case "BLOCKED": // The merge is blocked.
if (pull.reviewDecision === "CHANGES_REQUESTED")
return "blocked";
switch (pull.latestCheck) {
case "running":
return "ciRunning";
case "failed":
return "failed";
return "pending";
let submenu = [
text: "Branch",
size: process.env.PROJECT_FONT_SIZE,
text: pull.headRef,
size: font_size,
if (pull.body) {
submenu = submenu.concat([
text: "Description",
size: process.env.PROJECT_FONT_SIZE,
{ text: pull.body, size: font_size },
text: `#${pull.number} ${pull.title} ${statusIconMap[icon]}`,
href: pull.url,
size: font_size,
submenu: submenu,
const statusString = MENU_BAR_ORDER.map((key) => {
if (statusCount[key]) {
return `${statusIconMap[key]}[${statusCount[key]}]`;
.filter((s) => !!s)
.join(", ");
image: githubIconBase64,
text: ` ${statusString}`,
color: textColor,
dropdown: true,
// Update settings file for speed later
await updateSettings();
function sanitizeText(items) {
return items.map((element) => {
if (typeof element !== "object") return element;
let { text, submenu, ...result } = element;
if (text) result.text = text.replace(/\|/gi, "┃");
if (submenu) result.submenu = sanitizeText(submenu);
return result;
try {
await xbar.default(sanitizeText(content));
} catch (error) {
console.log(JSON.stringify(content, null, 2));
throw error;
getPulls().catch((error) => {
// These utility functions taken from another plugin;
// https://github.com/matryer/xbar-plugins/blob/f1004a74a0d887b9655c71a1d52ba4e02b37fd77/Dev/Gitlab/gitlab_projects.js
* Sets up the ability to require global node packages.
* @return {object} Returns the required node package object
async function globalRequire(packageName) {
const env = Object.assign({}, process.env);
env.PATH = path.resolve("/usr/local/bin") + ":" + env.PATH;
const globalNodeModulesDir =
.execSync(npmBin() + " root -g", { env: env })
.trim() + "/";
let packageDir = path.join(globalNodeModulesDir, packageName, "/");
//find package required by older versions of npm
if (!fs.existsSync(packageDir)) {
packageDir = path.join(
// Package not found
if (!fs.existsSync(packageDir)) {
throw new Error("Cannot find global module '" + packageName + "'");
const packageMeta = JSON.parse(
fs.readFileSync(path.join(packageDir, "package.json")).toString()
const main = path.join(packageDir, packageMeta.main || packageMeta.files[0]);
return await import(main);
async function installAndRequire(module) {
try {
return await import(module);
} catch (e) {
try {
return await globalRequire(module);
} catch (e) {
// Not catching error if one is thrown.
return await globalRequire(module);
* Installs node module if it doesn't exit.)
function installModule(module) {
// Allows one to run the npm command as if on the command line.
const execSync = childProcess.execSync;
const env = Object.assign({}, process.env);
env.PATH = path.resolve("/usr/local/bin") + ":" + env.PATH;
// Get the path to npm bin
const npm = npmBin();
// The install command
const cmd = npm + " install -g " + module;
console.log("Installing the " + module + " Node module...");
execSync(cmd, {
cwd: process.cwd(),
env: env,
console.log("Installation complete.");
* Gets the path to your npm executable.
* @return {string} The full path to your npm executable
function npmBin() {
const execSync = childProcess.execSync;
const env = Object.assign({}, process.env);
env.PATH = path.resolve("/usr/local/bin") + ":" + env.PATH;
// Get the path to npm bin
return execSync("which npm", { env: env }).toString("utf8").trim();